1. Kiwi Island - Java Kiwi Conservation Game

    Software Engineering - Scrum team project
    Download KiwiIsland Game Here

    Visit KiwiIsland Github Repository google

    Extension features for Kiwi Island

    1. Provide a new goal and make the goal more well defined
    2. Saving a certain number of kiwis before they get eaten by the predators. This involves random movement of the predators until they are within range of a kiwi
    3. Player can win the game by trapping the predators before kiwi population falls below a certain percentage
    4. Improve the graphical representation to encourage a larger player base
    5. Introduce an RPG-esque tile set, as well as graphical representations of the Occupants
    6. Cage stop Predator movement
    7. Introduce a menu system
    8. Include start game button, input player details, option button(Save,Load, exit)
    9. Access to glossary
    10. Add a glossary of the creatures encountered so far in the game
    11. Allow players to see information on creatures that they encounter in game
    12. Add saving and loading so data can persist between game sessions
    13. Improve the method of user interaction
    14. Keyboard listener for moving player
    15. Add multiple difficulties
    16. Add baited traps
    17. Add sound effect
    18. Different sound effect for when encounter predator
    19. Sound for when kiwis die
    20. Sound for when win/lose
    21. Add events on random time during game play
    22. Weather effect
    23. Heavy rain impedes predator movement

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    Team SmokeScreen Project planning material

    The teams project will be formed using Java and OOP, which will then be stored on Github. A Github Repository will be made, and will be accessible through Netbeans or Eclipse depending on what each team member prefers. This will enable each developer to modify and create necessary code, which then can be viewed by all team members by simply synching with the project on Github. Each persons work will be shared through push and pull from their own IDE's to the repository on Github.

    Strategies for task allocation

    Each team member must work on a equal amount of user story points during a team sprint. Team members will at first choose what user story they want to implement from a selection of user stories in the sprint back log. If there is a conflict between two or more team members wanting to work on a certain user story, a team discussion will be made until a mutual agreement is made. Team members unsure about the structure or layout of a user story must speak up as soon they find themselves stuck. A discussion will then be made to make sure everyone in the team understands the story and is on the same page. Each team member should work on an equal amount of user story points. If it isn't, it will need to be broken down and a team discussion will then be made to break the user story down. Planning poker will be used again if needed or referred back to when determining equal work load for each team member.

    Sprint Planning

    In a sprint, each member should divide their time into two halves, the first half should be focused on coding and the second half should be focused on testing, debugging, and fixing the required code.

    • Sprint 1: Due date 11:59pm April 16th
    • Sprint 2: Due date 11:59pm May 14th
    • Sprint 3: Due date 12:00pm May 31st
    • Closure: Due date 11:59pm June 4th

  2. Teachers Contact Website

Visit MrJaysTuition Website


Github Repository for Mr Jays Tuition Website

A teacher had come to me for help in creating a simple website for students to enquire extra hours for tuition help.

I coded the site using HTML, PHP, CSS and MySQl using NetBeans

The website has the following features:

  • A contact form that once filled out is sent directly to the teachers email account using PHP
  • A database that stores and shows feedback of the tuition service that is given on the website
  • Several web links for faster access to information
  • A design that attracts the younger generation i.e using bitmojis

  1. My Own Portfolio Website

Visit My Engineering Portfolio Website


Github Repository for my Portfolio Website

I created a website to show prospective employees my work through engineering inside and outside of my degree.

This includes project work that I have worked on from other previous jobs, projects from university and my independent projects.

The website includes information about me and photos of my work.

Languages used were HTML, CSS,Java Script, PHP and MySQL.

The website has the following features:

  • A series of web pages to show my work in categories
  • Photos and media that show demonstrations on how I have innovated my work
  • Java scripting for animation titles and CSS/HTML design
  • Written information explaining information about my projects, how I worked on them, what I used and links to each Github repositories